Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Study of sunset at Laguna Lake

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."

 I made photo study of the sunset near the lakeshore in our hometown.  The sunset provokes a lot of questions:

l.  Why do people love to watch sunsets?

2.  Why are there different colors of sunset?

3.  What are the fish doing in the lake at sunset/

4.  What are public officials going to do about the Lake? its polllution?  the air pollution?

5.  How is life at the other side of the lake?

6.  Why are there so many lights?

7.  How are people preparing for Christmas

                                   Why are fishing boats shaped this way?  No redesign

                                   What are the towers for?

                                What do these nets catch?