Sunday, December 16, 2012

NU 12 # 1 by Peaches

Filipinos have different attitudes on spending,  It may sound good, but it seems that the "good old spending habits" are not that good at all. On observation, I may describe them to be the ususal "one day millionaire" who spends as if there is no tomorrow,   "the occasion spender" who spends only as the occassion calls for, "the conscious spender"  who thinks a hundred times before getting out that money from the bag or "the minimal spender" who  are typically the Ilokanos who spends only as needed and keeps tracking down the smallest centavo spent. Where do you belong?
Is spending a habit? Is one born with it? Is it ones' culture? Or is it just a matter of having something to spend either  for a need or a want? Each one has his own reason and  spending habits are developed and eventually be part of one's system that may either  lead to a good or bad outcome.  But in reality, "good old spending habits" are not good at all. But how do we combat this? Unfavorable results can be prevented by  establishing new spending habits thru practising "pre-spending habits" . I believe that these will be an effective tool as guideline prior to one's actual spending and be very helpfull in breaking the " old " spending habits which must be put to a stop. According to Erin Huffstetler, breaking the "old" spending habits, which i consider to be "pre-spending habits" are the following:
1."Go CASH-ONLY!" Leave your credit cards at home.
2. "SET LONG TERM GOALS!" Save money for a vacation.
      3. "DISTINGUISH BETWEEN NEEDS AND WANTS!" What's the impact of your
4. "SHOP WITH A LIST!" Consider this list only.
      5. "GIVE YOURSELF AN ALLOWANCE!" Decide onhow much money is allowed to
            spend only. 
7. "FIND A SHOPPING BUDDY!"  This is to personally say NO to your impulses.
9.  "LET SOMEONE ELSE SHOP FOR YOU!"  This is to avoid impulse buying.
10. "SURVEY YOUR SELECTIONS." Edit and Check, no more no less! 
If these are the ten things you would contemplate on before spending, I assure that this will be an effective tool as  the new "pre-spending habits" and in the latter would prove what DanCoyle  said,   "DEEP PRACTICE DEVELOPS TALENT". <Dan Coyle?>3