Sunday, December 23, 2012

Which is better: FB or blogger? ( or Google?)

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."

I think FB and twitter are another form of social search engine.  You get new ideas from friends and likes or to pages you subscribe.   However, in a way, FB is limited because:  the ideas are not indexed or searchable afterwards.  The timeline would seem to have solved it.

With Google+ and the pages at Google+ I prefer Google.  And since you are ranked and searched at Google, it is better to go along with Google.  My fb was hacked and all my work at the pages are now inaccessible wasted.  It is good that my primary post were at the blogs which I just propagated through FB.

Google+ dramatically increases visit once you click it. And it is visited on and on and on.  FB is a flash in the pan.  Later on your interest wanes and you become numb to the pictures and the quotes. Lately it has become a quote picture sharing activity.  There are very few original authentic posts at FB and has even spawned a lot of quarrels and break ups. . Privacy, which has been solved lately with privacy keys, was a big issue before.  Some guys can post on your wall, and even attack you.