Monday, July 23, 2012

Innovate just like Google

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship

 One of the most innovative companies now, before Apple is  Google.  One reason may be its association with Stanford U, whose SVT are good in entrepreneurship and innovation.   We had several of their videos here;  these includes speeches of Larry Page and some of their VPs.

There are three horizons of innovation:

l.  Existing market and technology -  much of the work is devoted to this;  this comes from marketing and tech people in touch with customers.

2.  Existing customer/market, new technologies.

3.  New tech new markets.  This is entirely new and next gen innovation.

This is based on writings of Baghai, Coley and White, 1999.Alchemy of Growth

 Innovate like Google      from Inc.

 "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."