Thursday, July 12, 2012

NU12 - 11, Marife Malihan - street security alarm system

Security Alarm on the street
Street crime is now very common anywhere.  There are different advises given to everybody on how to avoid this unnecessary situation. Some people have improved the street light to reduce crime in their area and others have put a "CCTV" camera for monitoring purposes. However, having all these are still not enough and street crime is still possible. For me, one way to reduce crime is by having a security alarm on every street or to the most dangerous places.  How does it work?  Here's the process:
  • Identify the streets /places in need of the security alarm.
  • The security alarm is attached to the street pole which is accessible by everybody.
  • The alarm has a fingerprint sensor to capture a digital image of the fingerprint pattern.
  • The security alarm is connected to the 911 hotline. So when someone touches the alarm, 911 could easily identify the location of the crime.
  • Since 911 have gotten the fingerprint pattern, it will be connected to the map locator software which can still follow the location of the fingerprint.
  • Nobody should attempt to touch the security alarm for fun because they will be traced and imprisoned.
This is just a simple process on how we could have a security system on the streets that will makes us feel secured. 4 <how about apps that feature your idea?>

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