Wednesday, July 18, 2012

NU 12 by Angelo Paolo Lino - golf ball tracking system

Dear Prof Jorge,

Below are my NU #9, #10, #11, #12.

Thank very much!


Angelo Paolo Lino


Angelo Paolo Lino
Prof. Jorge Saguinsin
During my free time I play golf. The greeneries and fresh air in fairways gives me a relaxed feeling.
During a game sometimes I tend to slice or hook the ball. Meaning that instead of the ball going straight, it will either go far right or far left. When this happens it is a pain in the ass following your ball and sometimes you can't see where it will land. And finding a tiny white ball in a large fairway is like finding a needle in a haystack.
So I thought of this new idea, a golf ball that has a tracking system.
How does it work? Very simple!
Attached inside the ball is a microchip. The golfer on the other hand has a GPS device that can see where the ball is going and will land. Also, this GPS can measure the distance on how long your ball travelled. It can also measure the force on how you struck the ball. In this way you can correct immediately your swing on the next hole. Simple!!! 4


Angelo Paolo Lino
Prof. Jorge Saguinsin
What Pisses Me Off!
For the past 1.5 years that I 'am studying in AGSB, I just can't understand why do students need to pay parking fee inside AGSB?!
I learned in this subject the concept of "Freemium"!
A student in AGSB pays a Php11,000 minimum and as high as  Php30,000++  every term. And there are hundreds of students who always enroll. Isn't this enough to cover the Php45 parking fee?! I think the school should give this to students as a perk in enrolling. I think this Php45 wouldn't hurt the school that much. The school should also know that giving away the parking fee can help the students lessen their expenses. They should think that gasoline and toll fees are so high nowadays that as little as Php45 can be a big help.  (buti ngayon libre mga prof) 3.5


Angelo Paolo Lino
Prof. Jorge Saguinsin
Have you ever thought of how do blind people go to urinals or toilets by themselves? How would they know if they are properly in placed to pee in the urinal or poop on the toilet? I think it would be a relief for them if they will not be 100% accompanied by someone.
 I think this will be a big help for our friends who are blind.
I thought of having a urinal and a toilet that has a motion sensor and will tell our blind friends if they are in placed or not. Here how it works…
Try closing your eyes and pretend that you are blind. Face the urinal. Now obviously you don't know if you are on the right spot. A motion sensor will be attached on the edges of the urinal. It will measure how far you are and see if your hip is aligned with it. If not a computer activated voice will give you directions, "go to your left", "go to your right", "a bit forward", or "step back a bit". Once in placed, you will hear 3 beeping sound indicating that you are good to go.
Same concept will be placed on toilets. The only difference, instead of facing the toilet you will turn your back against it and the toilet will measure your butt and not your hips. 3.5


Angelo Paolo Lino
Prof. Jorge Saguinsin
Most of us have cars, we drive it by ourselves or sometimes we have drivers. And most of us for sure experienced one of the most hassle and irritating part of having a car, a no-charged-battery!
One way to have this fix is that the owner should have a series cable and a separate battery that is mounted on a different car that has full of charge. But what if you don't have that option?
So the solution is a series cable with a built in battery.
How does it work? Simple, just like charging your phone or cameras battery!
Before leaving your house you will charge the battery by plugging it in a household socket. Once full of charge you will transfer the battery to the series cable. The life of the charge will never die down unless you use it. Once used, you can just have recharged in your house.
This will not make you car battery up and running for a long period of time but it will help you go to the nearest battery shop by your own and not by any towing services that charges unreasonable amount. 4