Saturday, July 7, 2012

NU12-5by Marife Malihan retractable USB cord in the laptop

Notebook/laptop(device) with Retractable USB cable
Electronic device has become part of our daily life. Notebook or laptop for instance holds tremendous significance in making our life easier and to help us get an immediate and accurate data. While we all know the importance of laptop, we also encounter difficulty in transferring file without the USB cable. With our busy schedule, we forget to bring the USB cable and it's certainly hassle on our part.
This helps me think of having a "Notebook/Laptop with Retractable USB cable". The device would have a built-in usb cord located at the side of the device and just need to pull it in order to plug in to usb port or adaptor. Once done, the cord will automatically coil to the side of the device. With this, the owners won't have to worry of bringing cable and leaving it behind somewhere 3.5