Thursday, February 14, 2013

NU #6: Disrupting the Decaf by T. N. Gaudi

NU #6
9 February  2013
MBAH 10-B / Entrepreneurship
Disrupting the Decaf
(New and Improved Product)
By T. N. Gaudi
There have been many mental models established already in the psyche of people especially when it comes to drinking coffee. Some of these mental models are more or less associated with the negative impacts of taking in caffeine. This may explain why consumer companies especially those that are in the business of retailing packaged coffee have tapped into the significant market of decaffeinated coffee drinkers. There may be a good reason why these people prefer decaffeinated coffee over the regular brew. According to the mayo clinic, heavy daily caffeine use may cause unpleasant effects such as insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, stomach upset, fast heartbeat, and muscle tremors among others. (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2011) Just to emphasize the potential effects of caffeine, even the researchers from Carnegie Melon University found out that large doses of caffeine may deprive the brain of oxygen which is needed for "calm and rational thinking" since it raises blood pressure, stimulates the heart, and produces shallow rapid breathing. (Bradberry, 2012)
What's more is that a study made by Kubo, Klatsky, and Armstrong of the School of Public Health of University of California found out that "decaffeinated coffee drinkers were less likely to be heavy coffee drinkers, smokers, alcohol drinkers, users of caffeinated soft drinks and medication and to be free of illness." (Kubo, Klatsky, & Armstrong, 2003) This may tell us that caffeine-conscious consumers are the same people who are health-conscious.
That being said, I was able to observe a gap in the existing products offered by manufacturers, distributors, or even retailers of coffee. I noticed, being a health-conscious consumer myself, that no company or brand offered a decaffeinated 3-in-1 coffee pack that is sugar-free - a very important consideration for health-conscious individuals.
I conclude therefore, that manufacturers should be able to look in to this glaring gap and determine opportunities to satisfy the needs and wants of non-caffeine consumers and offer a decaffeinated sugar free pack to profit from this potential gold mine. 3.5 <aspartane and surcrolase are not healthy too, as well as processed, ie decaf coffee>
Bradberry, T. (2012, August 21). Forbes: Leadership: Caffeine: The Silent Killer of Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved February 5, 2013, from Forbes:

Kubo, S. A., Klatsky, A., & Armstrong, M. (2003, April 13). US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Retrieved February 6, 2013, from National Center for Biotechnology Information:

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2011, March 9). Mayo Clinic: Nutrition and healthy eating. Retrieved February 6, 2013, from Mayo Clinic: