Monday, February 25, 2013

NU#6 What pisses you off at the mall?

"The Queen Ant"
AGSB MBAH 10b  Entrepreneurship
Prof. Jorge Saguinsin
February 2, 2013
NU#6: What pisses you off at the mall? Extreme types of sales personnel.
                  One of the favorite past times of Filipinos is going "Malling".  The funny thing is , in most malls, people literally go malling, as in go to the mall.  They just go around the mall, no intended shopping, if ever, they eat there and go around.  I don't know if this has any effect on the sales people, but I have observed different types of sales people's characters in the malls in general.  What irritates me the most when going to the mall, is the two extreme types of sales representatives.
                  First, is the passive sales rep.  Whether you have any intention to make a purchase or not, your presence in the store makes you a potential buyer.  It is their job to assist any buyer that comes in their store.  I don't know  whether they slept thought their orientation or it is merely their personality, but don't they at least wonder why they are standing in the store?  Isn't it to assist buyers?  So, why are there sales reps who just stand there, even if they see a customer lingering on an item, looking around with a perplexed look on their face.  Even worse, is when their attention is called, or are asked a question, they give you the most cold and unwelcoming response, as if they just want you to leave already. 
                  Second, is the other end of the spectrum.  There are sales reps , which take too much pride and have so much passion in their work, that when there is a buyer, they put on a predator-prey mode.  They stick to you like a fly to flypaper to the point of total irritation!  I understand that they are suppose to be sort of a "at the becking call" to their buyers but picture this….. You're walking in a store, greeted by all sales reps as you enter (this is great), but when you stop at a certain item, you are entertained by one rep, this is still good….. what is not good is that when they start to gather around you, 8-9 or even 10 reps surrounding you, literally like a potential prey, picking on you, flashing items in your face, giving their sales talk all at the same time!  When this goes on for several minutes, you start to feel like you're drowning, and in a few seconds, all you want to do is run out of the store screaming!  (Yes this has happened to me several times).
                  I can think of one possible solution for both – Certified Training.  Sales Representation is an art in itself and skills must be developed continuously.  It may even be in house if it's too costly.  I am aware there are training available, but maybe ones highly specialized for their clients.  I don't know if this will help, but it is a first step, the next thing is careful selection or termination.  But this would mean encouraging buyers to complain or evaluate the staff. 3