Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Modified NU12- By MM - Improvement in Parking System at the Mall

Parking Process Improvement at the mall
Going to the mall is one of the best things we could ever think of. Everybody loves shopping especially if there are sales and promos. However, if there's something to improve at the mall, it would be the parking process especially in the big mall like Megamall. Usually it takes 30 minutes for someone to find a parking slot. This is from the time he falls in line until he finds a parking slot. There is a time where someone has to argue with another for that matter.  This kind of incidence could affect the person's mood for the day and it could also be a cause of misunderstanding between shoppers.
Since everybody really loves shopping, then it would be good if this can be improved.  Currently when you enter the parking area, the attendant/cashier will just issue you a ticket and it's up to you to use your ability or "diskarte" to look for a parking slot.  Now, here's what I have in mind, the "AUTOMATED PARKING PROCESS".  It is the process wherein the parking attendant or cashier can easily check the available slot thru the system and issue to the customer the ticket with corresponding number on where to park.
How does it work? Here is the flow::
New Parking Process
  • Each parking lot has a unique number that is linked to the system.
  • There is a sensor attached to the number and it also has the ability to light once detected that the slot is occupied.
  • Since the number with sensor is linked to the system, it will identify how many parking slot and what numbers are available.
  • This can be done easily thru a system with coded program.
  • When customer enters the parking area, the parking attendant/cashier will check on the system and issue a ticket with corresponding number on where to park.
  • The system is accurate because it will update automatically.
  • With this kind of process, me as a customer won't waste time and effort because it's organized.
  • This could serve as a tracker and help us in case of any crime happens within the vicinity.
  • It is easy to manage and the owner has the opportunity to generate a record of the daily sales thru the system and review if necessary.
If I got this kind of service, I wouldn't mind paying for it. 4