Monday, May 7, 2012

NU12 for (KRaval) - Bike Protector

Bike Protector

For bicycle fanatics, it is such a breeze when riding especially on a bright sunny day. You get to traverse any terrain (especially those with mountain bikes) and not worry about getting stuck anywhere as long as you have the right tools and complete gear. But how about on a rainy day? It's always a hassle that in the middle of your ride during the scorching heat of the day, the rain suddenly kicks in. Your parade has literally been rained on. You look for a shade just to dry yourself as well as protect your bike from rust and further damage.

It is also a concern nowadays for riders to have a lightweight bike because of all the gear that they bring when riding. So we take a bike with a carbon fiber frame and use it as a prototype. We use this type of bike as a standard, and then we consider it to be an all-terrain bike. And then we think of how we can use it anytime and during any weather – so we create an all-weather bike. But how to do this? Perhaps given all the technology we can access, we automate the bike, and with the press of a button, a "shield" appears, therefore giving the bike fanatic something new he can experience while riding. The "shield" or bike "cover" doesn't necessarily have to enclose the entire bike except the wheels. In a more modern age, it can be like a "force field" wherein the cover is invisible or transparent. Of course, it would still have a provision for oxygen so that the rider is spared from suffocation. It may seem too complicated now, but with a more thrrough study and detailed attention to this type of solution for an all-weather bike, the idea can be further developed and executed. When that time comes that the market is offered a bike that can protect it from any weather and that can help the rider have an easier time looking for a shade, I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of demand for this and the community of biking sport enthusiasts will grow even more. 3