Monday, May 7, 2012

NU 12 by Arch Tobias, Chameleon Clothes

Good evening Sir!

Here is my NU12 paper for the week.



I drive my own car, but there are times that it's really more practical to take the public transport. Another reason would be when my car isn't allowed to go out because of the color-coding scheme.

I know of people who have been harassed or have been stolen from during their train ride or walking to or from the train terminal, so I am very cautious when I take the public transportation, which would usually be the MRT, LRT, jeep or cab. For one, I look Chinese even if my Chinese blood is very minimal. I make it a point to dress down without any makeup or jewellery on and just change wherever I go. But there are times that I go to meetings, and it would be quite of an effort to bring extra clothes, and it's difficult to tow along an extra bag for the additional clothes.

I sometimes also worry about my sister who also takes the train or the cab. She doesn't take the extra effort of dressing down, or changing clothes. She, like me, looks Chinese as well. So aside from me and my sister, I'm sure there are countless women out there who just want to be extra careful during these times.

So I thought of chameleon clothes. Chameleons are known for changing colors to adapt to their environment. So if there are chameleon clothes, these would adjust based on the surrounding of the person wearing them.

For example, I have a meeting in Makati with a prospective client. I would have to look presentable and credible. So on my way to the MRT, during my MRT ride, and walking from the Ayala MRT station to SM, I am wearing ordinary clothes that would allow me to blend in with the surroundings. But once I step into SM where it is relatively safer, my clothes shift to something more distinguished and appropriate for my meeting. The clothes would be in tune with my brain. My brain knows which design and style I prefer so it knows what to change into.

These chameleon clothes aren't just for safety, but for practicality. For example it's very sunny outside then it rains. Wouldn't you wish you had a jacket and a hood? So just by thinking about it, your clothes grow longer sleeves, change to a waterproof material, and a hood grows behind you. And voila, you can walk through the rain.

Other uses would be for people who want to change from their work clothes to night-out clothes, or for people who go to the gym before or after work. The uses are countless. It is the future of clothes where people can change in an instant without the actual action of doing so.

Imagine how simple it would have been for Clark Kent to shift from newspaper reporter to Superman? 3.5