Thursday, May 24, 2012

NU 12 by PL - Palm Reading Door Knob


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: paolo Lino <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 9:55 AM

Dear Prof Jorge,

Good morning.

Here is my NU12 #6 in replacement for the first NU12 6 that I passed 2 days ago.

Thank you very much!

Angelo Paolo Lino

Angelo Paolo Lino
Prof. Jorge Saguinsin
What is the safest place for you on the planet? For me, my home!

But with the increasing burglary and kidnappings in the metro, how sure are you that your house is impenetrable?
Most burglars or crooks try to smash down door knobs. Some, especially in the movies, try to pick the locks inside the key hole. And both of those actions ends up with the same result, crooks will definitely get inside your house. But what if your door knob is not just an ordinary one?!?!?!
My idea, key-hole-less door knob with high-tech locks system.
You might say that there are existing door knobs that doesn't use keys, you're right, but mine is different. My door knob will just be the usual door knob you see on each and every house. What's different is on the knob itself. The whole knob will be a sensor that can read your palm and finger prints once you touch it. Your prints are the only one that can activate and deactivate the locks. Also, this door knob will be equipped with locks that are same as the locks on bank vaults, smaller version though, but same quality.
Now with this door knob even the strongest crooks cannot smash down or enter your house! 4