Thursday, April 26, 2012

CKV NU12 - What pisses you off in the office?

Cristina Krastle Valderas
NU idea
What pisses you off in the office? (Process Improvement)
I am working in an insurance company which has several branches and Customer Service Centres. In our building, we currently have 1 Customer Centre that caters to 7 branches. Each branch has at least 50 Financial Advisors and the biggest of them have almost 300. The Customer Centre is like a bank that receives payment for premiums, new business applications and assists walk-in clients who would like to transact involving their policies.
During normal days, we have a fast turn around time or flow of advisors and clients transacting in the centres. But as I observed, most financial advisors always submits their new business applications during the last minute. That is during the closing period of the contests which were being done quarterly. Customer Centres would close down and finish the last transaction at almost midnight. Advisors and secretaries will wait in line for hours waiting to be served. A cause of the problem is when secretary A comes in with only 2 applications, for example at 10am and secretary B would come in at 11am having 15 applications. Instead of following the last person in the line, she will just leave her applications to secretary A to avoid the waiting. Then another secretary she also knows will do the same. It will leave the next person in line wait much longer.
Another problem is the scanning of these new business applications the next day. With the big number of applications submitted, having only a scanner, it is impossible to finish it with just a day.
The possible solution can be:
1.      Like what we have in some banks, there is a counter serving for those who have single transactions only. And 2 or 3 counters will serve to those who have multiple transactions.
2.      For those who have multiple transactions, when they enter the Customer Centre, aside from the number that will be given to them, the guard should also indicate how many applications they have on hand. With this, we can prevent what we call "singit" in lines.
3.      We can also add a scanner and a tempo staff to do the additional scanning of new business applications. 3.5