Thursday, April 26, 2012

NU 12 CKV - Blood: Available Online

Cristina Krastle Valderas
NU Ideas
Blood: Available On-line
My mom just had her operation last week in which she will need 2 bag of blood as a reserve before the procedure. We had a problem because the hospitals and Red Cross in our province doesn't have the type of blood we need. We even contacted the nearby towns but same result. There are people who are willing to donate unfortunately it will take much more time because the blood that will be donated has to undergo different tests before it can be used. Fortunately, we discovered a relative who has a position in Red Cross and helped us out.
I think it will be very helpful if the Red Cross will have an online facility in which it will show the different blood available for each center or branches. The blood inventory should be real time. The patient will still have to pick up the blood wherever it is available but at least it will minimize the hassle, time and effort looking around where it is available especially during emergency cases. (RC must be awaiting your donation for such a facility. 3.5)