Sunday, April 15, 2012

NU 12 by RT, Travelling Light

Good evening sir!

Below is my second paper for NU12.

Best Regards,

Traveling "Light"

I'm one of those people who brings too many things in my bag. During my grade school and high school years, even if we had student lockers, I chose to bring home all of my books to ensure I would have all the needed materials for homework. There weren't any technology such as iPads then yet so we had all these books and notebooks to bring around.

During my college years, my friends and classmates knew I always had a lot of stuff in my bag. I had a foldable umbrella (I studied in UP and even with the jeepneys, you're bound to get wet when it's raining), a calculator, relevant school books, wallet, cell phone, and other items. Even for my college yearbook writeup, all my friends wrote about were the items I had in my bag that reflected my personality.

Now with my work, I've added a tape measure to the lineup of items in my bag, among others. I try to be a girl scout when it comes to the items I bring along with me. And even if I try to find the most compact versions of the items, I end up with a lot of stuff, and end up with a heavy bag most of the time. And even if there's the most compact foldable umbrella for example, they aren't as sturdy as the reliable original umbrellas.

When traveling, I try my best to pack as light as I could. Sometimes I succeed, but my sister and my mom for instance, just have a hard time packing light. Even for overnight trips, my sister would end up with a bag as heavy as what I would pack for a week-long trip.

And as the airlines explain, overall weight of passengers and luggage contribute of the amount of gas consumed during the trip.

So what solution did I think of? This may be far out, but I'd like to think that with technology, there are no limits, and the future beholds everything of our imagination. I am thinking of bags and luggage that have the ability of shrinking items put inside. But as an added feature, only the bag-/luggage-owner has the remote that can shrink the items in the bag, so that it prevents people from stealing the bags and luggage since they won't be able to "unlock" the items inside it.

Another advantage would for be health and posture reasons. There won't be a risk of having uneven shoulders from having to carry the heavy load on one shoulder most of the time, as people tend to do so.

And again, airlines would consume less gas with the much lighter load they're carrying. Then Import and export of goods among countries would also be very cost-efficient, promoting free trade and maximum globalization.

Finally everyone can travel light. 4