Tuesday, April 17, 2012

NU 12 by Bryan Roy Trinidad - What Pisses Me Off at the Neighborhood

Dear Prof. Saguinsin,

In replacement for the journal that I have submitted last April 10, 2012 entitled NU12 Journal:New Innovation Idea, below herewith is the corrected NU12 Assignment for Week 1.

Thanks and regards.


What pisses me off in the neighborhood?

Scattered trash in front of the house. Noisy neighbors even during late evening. Squatters strolling around the area. Who wouldn't get pissed off if you had neighbors who do those things? These are just some of the reasons that piss me off in the neighborhood.

Among the given reasons, scattered trash is the worst scenario that annoys me.

Currently, my neighbors and I have their own way of consolidating trash and we wait till Wednesday of each week for the garbage truck that is commissioned by our subdivision president to arrive.

Most of the time, the garbage collectors don't arrive on their scheduled pick up date. With this, the garbage is dumped either along the street or hanged in front of the gates of my neighbors. I find this unsanitary as it might bring disease to the neighborhood through pests. It as well invites stray dogs to scatter the garbage around the area.

Thus, as an advocate of greener community, I would schedule an appointment to the President of the subdivision and share with him my ideas to refrain from such unfortunate incidents. These will be as follows:

1.                      1. To allocate budget to hire one or two persons to collect recyclable trash like paper, recyclable plastic, bottle                 and tin cans and sell them to the junk yard so that the neighborhood will have a money for the future projects.

              2. Instead of buying fertilizers for the garden in our club house, I suggest that the person who is in-charge of                     collecting recyclable trash shall also collect materials such as banana peels that will be used for the creation of             compose pits. In that way, it doesn't only help the environment but also save money.

              3. For the non-biodegradable trash, I suggest that there should be a designated area where my neighbors could                 throw them so that the garbage collector will just pick it there. 3