Friday, January 11, 2013

NU12. #2 Stresss buster (a headband)

NU 12 Change of attitude: by small alien runner
MBAH 10 B , section HO4


Now is a NEW YEAR, 2013. And my resolution is to bust stress...I promise to be more relaxed, patient , and slow to anger...I want to invent a headband, light in color, LAVENDER, in particular. This color seem to help make a lighter mood.. And an ear set for males...( purple in color ).

With the headband/ear set, when a person is beginning to change emotions from the relaxed to the stressed state, the accessory will beep and make a sweet music to stop the person from proceeding into anger or into the stressed mood.
Through these innovative gadgets or accessories, stress is anticipated before it starts and gets full blown. The person wearing the headband/ ear set makes a change of attitude and behavior, shifting into a relaxed mode.
At the end of the day, a record of the number of times the person was almost put into stress by the daily situations is available. A USB is provided as a recorder and can be removed when the owner wants to assess the day's bouts. It will also tell the time when the anger / stress occured whether in the days or night. The blood pressure and the music that changes the mood positively are also recorded. Goal of every person acquiring the accessory is to lessen the number of times they get stressed by certain stimuli..And as time passes, the person gets conditioned that certain situations in life may not cause stress anymore and the day will still be complete and relaxed.

With the new accessories invented, the change in attitude of every person will be more possible. And the willingness of the person to improve and be more positive about situations in life, gets reinforced. This will be battery operated so it is user friendly and economical.
It's nearness to the brain, where the seat of emotions is located, makes it more reliable and real..
Options that can be used while wearing the gadget is the mood indicator wherein the color of the headband switches from lavender to red if anger or stress sets in. While on red an alarm will follow rather than the beep sound, if the stress / anger persists or becomes profound. On the other hand, the red color of the headband returns to lavander when anger/ stress subsides.4