Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Skyscrapers connect cities to the skies - seen at Discovery Channel

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."

Pictures of iconic skyscrapers

I happenned to watch Discovery feature on skyscrapers.  The show has it that skyscraper started after a great fire in Chicago that destroyed most of the structures.

Other developments that contributed to skyscrapers:

l. Otis elevator got inspiration from horse carriage spring;

2.  Scraper got its design inspiration from a birdcage.

3.  I did not get who had the idea of superstrong core concrete structure 

4.  The Citicorp design was questioned by a Princeton student;  hence careful design computations are required;  more safety features were thus required including use of stronger bolts to offset strong winds.

5.  The Prudential bank building threw shadows around its adjacent buildings.  The city hall required lights and thus the birthday cake, towering design was born

5.  The new building design of Gherkin building in UK (net, circular, unconventional design.
 You tube video on Gherkin building

6.  Wood plank design of Marina Sands Singapore;   a wood plank was placed atop the three buildings scale model and thus was born the revolutionary Sands design.  large enough to accomodadte 4 Airbus 380 and can accomodate, parks, swimming pool and other amenities.  It is an inspiration to connect buildings in the cities.

Cities are centers of growth, culture, innovation, and technology.  And most of them are housed in modern skyscrapers.  Modern skyscrapers combine all of design, technology, materials , engineering knowhow to build them.  And are centers/prime movers of innovation

Thus after the Marina Bay Sands Singapore was built. it became the downtown area...

Marina Bay Sands Singapore

How stuff works pictures of skyscrapers