Tuesday, March 19, 2013

NU12 #11 - Magnifying Glass Toaster by the Great White

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."

NU12  #11 - Magnifying Glass Toaster by the Great White

Heat producing appliances like oven toasters are the most energy or electric consuming appliances in the household. My idea to provide a greener alternative to the oven toaster is to have a large magnifying glass, similar to the size of a plate, to be installed along the window of your kitchen. It can be moved and swiveled to adjust to the angle of the light source. You can use that magnifying glass to heat your food instead of using an oven toaster provided that the sun is up. In the Philippines, we enjoy broad sunlight in most days of the year. This large magnifying glass does not ultimately aim to replace the oven toaster since the heat from the sun is not available 24/7. It merely acts as a greener alternative during daylight to help us save electricity and avoid harmful effects of appliances like radiation and the likes. 3