Tuesday, March 19, 2013

NU12 #10 - School Anti-Stress Room by the Great White

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."

NU12 #10 - University Anti-Stress Room

University life is very stressful. Students and professors live a very hectic schedule especially when hell weeks are fast approaching. There have also been cases where students commit suicide because of the overwhelming stress. Back when I was a college student in the Ateneo, I had my fair share of the intense stress most college people undergo. There were times when I have to stay awake for 40 hours straight just to finish all my requirements on time or sleep only a total of 8 hours a week.

During those times, I just wish we had a anti-stress room inside the university - an air-conditioned room with nature-themed interiors, soothing sounds and aroma. Soft elements like foams, carpets and sofas will also dominate the interiors. Like in the library, making noise is prohibited. Students can study there or spend a little time to relax. The color green is scientifically proven to relax people thus the anti-stress, nature-themed room will have predominantly green interiors. Stuffed toys, videos of cute puppies, soothing sounds, herbal teas and relaxing scents will also be available to help overworked students and professors unwind even for just a few minutes.

With the anti-stress room, physically, mentally and emotionally drained students and professors can refresh themselves to face all the challenges that await them. 4

Submitted by: the Great White