Friday, March 15, 2013

Next Big Future - 4 new articles

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Next Big Future"Next Big Future" - 4 new articles

  1. LPP Dense Plasma Focus Fusion Peak Output Beams at 380 Gigawatts with 4 kilojoules of power for 1/15th the input power
  2. Piecemeal Repair and Replacement of the Brain as a pathway to radical life and health extension
  3. Global Futures 2045 Conference June 15-16, 2013 in New York Will Have George Church who discusses his vision of radical brain health extension via gene therapy and synthetic biology
  4. Transatomic plans for a Factory Produced Deep Burn 500 MW Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor
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LPP Dense Plasma Focus Fusion Peak Output Beams at 380 Gigawatts with 4 kilojoules of power for 1/15th the input power

The ion beam produced by a plasma focus device (LPP nuclear fusion project) will be the primary means of getting electric power out of the device. On February 28, while firing Focus Fusion -1 (FF-1), LPP's experimental plasma focus device, the team observed a record 380 GW peak power in the ion beam. The previous most powerful beam observed had a peak power of 93 GW , so the new beam is a four - fold improvement. In addition, this was the first beam observed that, at least in part, went all the way down the meter - long drift tube that is attached to the underside of the FF-1 vacuum chamber . It was also the first beam that equaled or exceeded our theoretical predictions. Both the higher peak power and the beam's more vertical direction are signs of increasing symmetry of the compression that forms the plasmoid, a key goal of LPP's current efforts.

Indeed, the beam was probably considerably more powerful than the figure we measured, as LPP's Chief Scientist Eric Lerner calculated that about half the beam spread out beyond the 1 -cm wide entrance hole to the drift tube. We believe this is the most powerful beam ever measured from a plasma focus device, although we will have to search the literature more thoroughly to make that claim with certainty.

Of course, the beam only lasted 5 - ns, so it and the equally powerful electron beam emitted in the opposite direct carried only about 4 kJ of energy, about 1/15 th of the total energy fed into the electrodes during the much longer 2 - microsecond rise - time of the current from the capacitors. To get more energy out of the beam than is put in will require much higher fusion yield than is presently obtained in FF-1.

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Piecemeal Repair and Replacement of the Brain as a pathway to radical life and health extension

Professor Berger (USC) is a bio medical engineer and a developer of neuro prosthesis technology .

Professor Berger research work is at his USC website

Professor Berger was the first to replace the function of a hippocampus in a rat brain with a chip. He develops "neuron--silicon interface" technology using silicon-based, multisite electrode arrays and tissue culture methods for implantation of hardware models into the brain to replace damaged or dysfunctional nerve tissue.

In this video Dr. Theodore Berger discusses the future of neurological engineering and invites participants to the second international Global Future 2045 congress (June 2013)

5% OFF your ticket -- When you register for your attendance at, use coupon code GFPVNFB to receive an additional 5% discount on top of the early bird registration fee.

"We are living longer and longer, and so more and more of neuro diseases of the brain, degenerative or accidental damage to the brain, are going to be seen and must be dealt with. And so having a strategy where we think about which brain parts can be replaced, in the context of which ones are damaged more often is just a wise thing to do."

"There are several parts in the brain that I consider to be ready for this next-generation analysis, and this will allow us to create a mathematical model of how some of the functions work, and we'll be able to reproduce those in mathematical models, and we'll be able to reproduce those in microchip form." says Dr. Berger.

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Global Futures 2045 Conference June 15-16, 2013 in New York Will Have George Church who discusses his vision of radical brain health extension via gene therapy and synthetic biology

The second international Global Future 2045 congress will take place on 15-16 June 2013 at the Lincoln Center in New York, and will be focused on discussion of a new evolutionary strategy for humanity aimed at overcoming the 21st century's civilization challenges.

The first GF2045 congress took place in Moscow in February 2012. Its main goal was a discussion of global threats and opportunities arising from the development of new technologies, and the formulation of recommendations for the realization of the optimal scenario for the future with regard to the expected usage of these technologies. In the world of international science, this was the first time at this level and in this form, that not only the key directions of innovations in the coming decades were examined, but also their ethical and philosophical aspects.

In the 3 days of the congress, over 1,500 participants took part, with 50 speakers from countries around the world, including the USA, the Netherlands and Australia.

5% OFF your ticket -- When you register for your attendance at, use coupon code GFPVNFB to receive an additional 5% discount on top of the early bird registration fee.

Conference Invitation video by George Church

Dr. George Church. Genomics Pioneer. Molecular geneticist, pioneer in personal genomics and synthetic biology.

He discusses his optimism about significant near term life extension (at about 3-6 minute part of the 15 minute video).
Get better and better at replacing body parts except for the brain.
Best way to protect the brain from alzheimers would be to find the genetic immunity to alzheimers that other have and inject them into brain.
There are 80 gene therapies in clinical trial now.
If we can genetically reprogram the neuronal cell body while retaining the connections then we could rejuvenate the brain like cleaning up blood now.
Update the nucleus of the cell (the epigenetic and genetics).

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Transatomic plans for a Factory Produced Deep Burn 500 MW Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor

Transatomic announced plans to building a 500-megawatt molten salt nuclear power plant that achieves some of the cost savings associated with the smaller reactor designs. It estimates that it can build a plant based on such a reactor for $1.7 billion, roughly half the cost per megawatt of current plants. The company has raised $1 million in seed funding, including some from Ray Rothrock, a partner at the VC firm Venrock. Although its cofounders, Mark Leslie and Leslie Dewan, are still PhD candidates at MIT, the design has attracted some top advisors, including Regis Matzie, the former CTO of the major nuclear power plant supplier Westinghouse Electric, and Richard Lester, the head of the nuclear engineering department at MIT.

The new reactor is expected to save money not only because it can be built in a factory rather than on site but also because it adds safety features—which could reduce the amount of steel and concrete needed to guard against accidents—and because it runs at atmospheric pressure rather than the high pressures required in conventional reactors.

A conventional nuclear power plant is cooled by water, which boils at a temperature far below the 2,000 °C at the core of a fuel pellet. Even after the reactor is shut down, it must be continuously cooled by pumping in water. The inability to do that is what caused the problems at Fukushima: hydrogen explosions, releases of radiation, and finally meltdown.

Interview with Transatomic Power CEO Wilcox at ThoriumMSR

WAMSR is similar in many ways to the Molten Salt reactor built in th1960s but WAMSR is a factor 20 smaller due to changes in materials, geometry and spectrum. The technical approach Transatomic Power is using will work for uranium or thorium. The first product is the simpler case, which is for burning uranium, either fresh, low-enriched uranium or in the form of spent fuel. A future version could use Thorium.

If using fresh fuel, WAMSR is likely to receive UF6 gas. If using spent fuel, WAMSR would have a mechanical process to remove casings but otherwise dissolve the entire spent fuel uranium oxide directly into the salt.

The WAMSR will operate at about 700 Celsius.

Transatomic Power's Waste-Annihilating Molten Salt Reactor -- WAMSR -- can convert the high-level nuclear waste produced by conventional nuclear reactors each year into $7.1 trillion of electricity. At full deployment, our reactors can use existing stockpiles of nuclear waste to satisfy the world's electricity needs through 2083.

Conventional nuclear reactors can utilize only about 3% of the potential fission energy in a given amount of uranium before it has to be removed from the reactor. Our design captures 98% of this remaining energy.

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