Wednesday, March 13, 2013

NU 12 by Tinkerbell -iTOILET for stool and urine diagnostics

Date Submitted:  March 10, 2013
Let's admit it, a number of us do not want to go to the hospital to have a check-up or have anything poked in us for diagnostic purposes.  Adding to this, don't you feel awkward submitting urine or stool specimens? It would be a great relief if we have our own specimen collector and data analyzer at home!  Press a button and we will also get a printout of the specimen data.  That printout is what we bring with us when we see our physician. 
What I am referring to is an intelligent toilet bowl (iToilet) which can examine our urine or stool specimen or any discharge for that matter!  With a press of a button, we will have all sorts of information, like the ones we have in the clinic or hospital such as urinalysis, pregnancy test, occult blood, etc., which will help determine the nature of illnesses affecting us.
The amount of sample will not even be a problem or the freshness of the specimens.  Of course, this should be well-maintained and checked by manufacturers regularly to assure credibility of its readings. 4

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