Wednesday, March 13, 2013

NU12 by Campus Queen - Vital Pen

Vital Pen
Campus Queen

A pen is a necessity for a medical staff like me (aside from a stethoscope and a mini iPad).

When you do your daily hospital rounds and outpatient clinics aside from the dialysis units, you would want to double check the vital signs done by your staff and explain some data to your patients and relatives with the least amount of effort.

Why not develop a pen that can get your heart rate by just holding it for a few seconds? On the opposite side of the pen's tip, you will find three buttons and a small LCD display. The first button is the thermal scan. By just pointing the pen few inches away from the patient's midforehead, you will get the temperature in seconds! One button is flashlight that can be used for examination of the oropharynx. Another button is a portable LCD projector where you can project your short lay lectures on the wall while you try to explain a particular disease entity.  4

Isn't that cool?